WRC library shake-up
 Baw Baw News   By // 02:08, Friday 28 November 2014

blackwood wrc warragul baw baw citizen by william pj kulich

THE PROPOSED replacement of old buildings at Warragul Regional College could see major chanages to the way the school’s library operates.

Above: Narracan Liberal MP and candidate Gary Blackwood promises funding for the redevelopment.

This story was first published in the 14 November 2014 edition of the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen.


Asked by the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen if the replacement of old buildings which house the library would see a smaller library built as happened at Trafalgar High School in 2009/10, principal Rob Juratowitch said final plans were yet to be formulated but changes were to be expected.

“The function of libraries has changed considerably as we have moved to digital technology,” he said.

“We’re just not sure [on what will happen yet], that will be part of the planning process.

“Libraries’ importance haven’t diminished, they’ve actually become more important, but the nature of the space will probably be quite different to what it is at the moment.


“Access to digital resources as well as hard copy books, journals, will still be paramount.”

Warragul Regional has been pulled into the local election campaign with Liberal MP Gary Blackwood promising $7 million from a re-elected coalition government for upgrades to the school.

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